5 February Festivities Against The Post-Holiday Blues.

So, you ate your way through December, January flew by and now those post-holiday blues are creeping in … But none of that! Every month deserves its own celebrations so here is a list of 5 unique opportunities to add some February Festivities to your calendar.

1. National Make a Friend Day – 11th of February.

You laugh and cry together, they drag you out the house on those bad days to grab a coffee and just make life a little brighter. From living next door, to being on the other side of the world; your friends often become your chosen family.

Embrace the challenge of setting aside a busy schedule or the fear of meeting new people in a strange country! Who knows, you might stumble upon someone who can show you all the hidden gems in town.

2. International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day – 15th of February.

Number two on the list is a day dedicated to raising awareness about childhood cancer, offering support to children and adolescents fighting this disease, survivors, and their families. 

While it may seem less festive at first, awareness is always worth celebrating. Simply taking the opportunity to learn more, the chance to support a cause and most important of all, celebrate those who face this challenge head-on every day. 

3. National Random Acts of Kindness Day – 17th of February.

Kindness doesn’t cost a thing, as the saying goes. So why not take it to heart on this day in particular? Simply spread a little of it wherever you go, and you’ll be amazed by the ripple effect it can create!

Give that stranger on the bus a compliment, hold the door open for the next person or if you want to become a fan favourite at work bring that vanilla cake to share instead of gobbling it all down yourself on the couch tonight. 

4. Clean Out Your Bookcase Day – 20th of February. 

I am not going to pretend that this one is not a bit of a biased choice, so I’ll keep it short. But this one is calling all the fellow bookworms among us! Dust off those shelves and finally get rid of that book that you have started a million times but still don’t like. 

Even if it is just a small pile of books that are lying around, show them some love and give them a new home on that cozy corner table.

5. Language Day – 21st of February.

Last but most definitely not least. Who would we be if we did not include this one on the list? A day all about putting the spotlight on cultural diversity, the beauty of one’s own mother language and multilingualism. From different mother tongues to nuances such as dialects and accents, all of it is celebrated.

Fun fact: last year multiple international schools in the Netherlands decided to create their very own ways of celebrating. From a language parade in a school in Utrecht to parents coming in to read to kids in their native languages and a cultural fair in Hilversum. There was something for everyone to enjoy!